Course curriculum

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    1 Percent Better Everyday

    • Introduction
    • 01 - 5 Tiny Changes That Can Make You More Productive
    • 02 - 5 Tiny Changes That Will Make You Happier
    • 03 - Do This for Just 1 Minute a Day and Your Life Will Change
    • 04 - How to Apply Kaizen in Your Relationships
    • 05 - How to Break a Bad Habit in 3 Easy Steps
    • 06 - How to Create New Habits in 3 Easy Steps
    • 07 - How to Get Rich by Saving Tiny Bits of Money
    • 08 - Small Things You Should STOP Doing Right Now
    • 09 - The Kaizen Approach to Dieting
    • 10 - You've Been Writing Goals All Wrong

1 Percent Better Everyday

Full Video Course

Today I want to cover some practical ways of bringing kaizen into your life. Let's look at fitness, for example. Say you want to build up your stamina and be able to walk or jog further. If you start out walking or running for one mile, and increase that by 1% a day, you'll double the length and be doing two miles in 70 days without feeling overly tired as your body will adapt easily to this increased distance. The same goes for weight loss. Say you set a modest target of losing 10 pounds. First you'll need to break that goal down into smaller objectives—let’s say you are going to aim to lose just 2 pounds a week for 5 weeks. Entirely doable, and not that much hardship. You're not likely to give up on this, because it doesn't require too much effort. It can easily be accomplished by doing simple things like not having an extra doughnut and taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Once you've reached your target weight, simply rinse and repeat. If you have an online business, then growing your mailing list is a priority. If you aim to increase your total number of subscribers by 1% every day, you can have a massive list in just a few months. The same goes for setting a target figure for website visitors, or increasing your conversion rate. Like I said the other day: Taking 1% baby steps is much easier than taking giant leaps – it doesn't require that much effort, doesn't cost that much extra money and doesn't take that much extra time.
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