Course curriculum

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    How to Defeat the Spirit of Witchcraft


How to Defeat the Spirit of Witchcraft

This course is a must watch for those who seek complete victory over witchcraft operations. It is for this reason that Emeritus demystifies the operation of witchcraft and provide a sound biblical teaching that will liberate the masses from any form of spiritual domination and manipulation. This rare course on witchcraft is an ultimate solution to millions of souls across the world who suffer witchcraft attacks in their personal lives, marriages, workplace and the general society. It brims with provocative insights that provides answers and solutions to lingering questions which the masses have asked for ages without any valid answers. The man of God provides a divine revelation on how to decisively deal with the diabolical spirit of witchcraft that has ruthlessly ravaged communities and thrust the masses into a debilitating morass of abject poverty, backwardness and even death. While this publication tackles witchcraft operations, it’s central theme is not witchcraft per se but a revelation of the secrets and strategies on how to counter act witchcraft missiles launched against innocent victims in our communities. This uncommon course offers, in one breath, deliverance prayers, secrets of power over witchcraft, help for those who are going through witchcraft attacks. In this publication, Apostle , concertizes Christians not to be ignorant or rather oblivious of witchcraft operations in their surroundings and thus attest that lack of revelation of the enemy’s behind-the-scenes demonic activities is a major reason behind many people’s demise. The truth is that if there is one area in which the masses are languishing in ignorance, it is the area of witchcraft. Unfortunately, witchcraft has always remained a mystery hence their wicked acts have remained concealed form victims of their manipulation and attacks. This has culminated in a situation whereby some people are aware that their problems are deeply rooted in witchcraft yet they are completely lost at sea as to how to break loose from the tentacles of these wicked forces.
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