Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to manipulate spirituals laws

    • The laws of life- how to create changes
    • Manipulating spiritual laws - deep secret code.
    • The law of joy - spiritual Force
    • The law of Belief
    • The laws of life ( part 2)

How to manipulate spirituals laws

This course introduces the believer to various spiritual rules and principles that he might use to enter more extraordinary spiritual realms. It is worth investigating the divine fact that God has established laws and regulations by which He governs the universe. These are divided into physical rules that regulate the material world and spiritual laws that govern the spiritual world. There is a law of gravity, for example, which states that if you throw something up in the air, it will inevitably crash back to earth; a law of floatation, which allows ships and boats to float on water; a law of aerodynamics, which allows planes to fly; and a law of electricity, which allows us to generate heat and light energy. The reality is that when we follow these basic laws in nature, we get beautiful results, but when we break them, we get harsh consequences. There are spiritual laws, which are the highest class of rules governing and managing the entire cosmos, just as physical laws. God has constructed a spiritual court system with laws, principles, and heavenly procedures similar to the natural realm's court system. We reap alarming results when we corporate with these spiritual rules, just as we do when we defy physical laws, but we face the penalties when we breach them. It's unfortunate that most people don't comprehend how these heavenly laws and protocols work, which is why the devil takes advantage of their ignorance, gaining a legal foothold that allows him to trap them in crippling situations of poverty, sickness, and defeat. To go into the deeper truths of God's might, several principles can be applied. There are spiritual rules that control the spirit realm or how to act in the miraculous domain, just as laws of gravity dictate how to work in the natural realm. These supernatural rules are progressions towards the more significant depths of God, and they complement each other. Each of these laws has a unique expression that results in an outstanding outcome. Unfortunately, many believers cannot work in the realm of the miraculous because they are unaware of the spiritual laws and principles that they could apply to produce beneficial results.
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