Course curriculum

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    • Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven
    • Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference
    • Giving capital for Business to a mother of 3 Kids.
    • If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart
    • Stephen Charity TV Patreon
    • The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others
    • Selfless giving is the art of living
    • To do more for the world than the world does for you – that is success
    • We only have what we give
    • I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver
    • My Team working for the charity event
    • The more you give, the more you get
    • Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege - giving is a privilege
    • You always gain by giving love
    • You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving
    • Giving $1,000 to People from mountains .
    • Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life
    • Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give
    • No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another
    • knocking at strangers doors, Giving them Rice.
    • The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away
    • Stephen Charity Visit Abandoned Elderly people
    • To give your best is to receive the best
    • There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward
    • Travel to Philippines _ testimony from a family in Philippines who got capital and blessings
    • Feeding program in Leyte
    • Sharing is loving - this is loving_ sharing & equality#shorts #typhoonodette
    • The happiest people are those who do the most for others
    • When you learn, teach. When you get, give
    • Charity is giving happiness
    • Poor family facing poverty in Dungguan Cebu City
    • Giving 100,000 pesos To students and Parents to start a business .
    • Documentary #8 - The Tender Loving Care will never become Obsolete
    • He who serves the most, reaps the most
    • Preparing For Our Lucky Top Fan
    • Stephen charity visit homeless in Florida USA
    • Your share blessings - share your blessings #sharingiscarring#share#blessed#
    • When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed
    • We make life by what we give
    • Going to Luzon in Batangas city - Helping poor kids
    • Share the blessings _ We heal as One_
    • Stephen Charity Outreach Program
    • Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give
    • The degree of loving is measured by the degree of giving
    • knocking on strangers Doors, Then giving then Rice .
    • knocking on strangers Doors, Then giving capital for business.
    • Having Fun in Dalaguete Fiesta
    • Feeding poor Kids in Dalaguete
    • Giving Capital for Business to subscribers - Cash giveaway (1)
    • Giving Capital for Business to subscribers - Cash giveaway
    • Visit and feed poor people in Batangas
    • Giving 50 sacks of Rice to old people .
    • Sponsoring a Business for a Family in South cebu
    • Top fans winners - Blessing subscribers
    • knocking on strangers doors and Giving Them Rice during pandemic
    • Giving $1,000 To Poor families
    • Giving Free capital for Business To subscribers .
    • SuccessPrinciples
    • 7 Days To Easy-Money Get Paid To Write A Book
    • 7 Infamous Resell Rights Questions Answered
    • Blogging Basics for Beginners
    • Action Driven Living
    • Blogging Profit Formula
    • Blogging Basics for Beginners
    • Develop Your Financial IQ
    • Debt_Destroyer
    • Get Fit Get Healthy
    • How to Make Your Home Sell
    • Investing
    • Your Perfect Right
    • positive_thinking
    • Investing
    • Power Seller Guide
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    Ebook Bonus Give aways

    • HowtoDateAnyGirl
    • How To Train Your Puppy
    • Meditation Mastery
    • The Word Warrior
    • tubegiant
    • Traffic Overdrive
    • 7keyelements2011
    • Courage Conqueror
    • lucid_dreaming
    • Manifestation Mastermind
    • Making Money by Investing in Real Estate
    • 7 Ways To Success While You Sleep


The Stephen charity worldwide has one over-riding objective: ERADICATING POVERTY & ESTABLISHING LEGACY which is encapsulated in its mission statement: “To Be An Instrument In The Hand of The Creator To Assist The World In Poverty Eradication and Establishing A Positive Legacy For Others To Follow. To achieve this aim, we have laid forth a SEVEN POINT AGENDA which puts our goals in clear sight and position us to work in synergy as a team to leaving the world a little better than we met it and leaving a footprint of positivity in the sands of time. SEVEN POINT AGENDA As we are set up to reach out to women, children and men in diverse geographical location, cultures and ethnicity cutting across religious and socio-political barriers, we have laid out a seven point agenda serving as our operational blueprint: FOOD: Feeding the Hungry. To achieve this Stephen charity worldwide dedicates to agricultural and food sufficiency programmes including but not limited to: Large scale farming Food Kitchens Food Banks Food packs at special seasons 2. CLOTHING: Clothing the Naked To provide clothing for the under priviledged in society, the establishment of charity centres and programmes with efficient monitoring systems and personnel to ensure that those who need it, get it. This is achieved through: Charity Shops Street Kids Target Programmes Widows / Widowers Outreaches The Aged Targeted Programmes 3. SHELTER: Sheltering the Homeless Shelter is one of the 3 key needs of the human race but surprisingly, a huge number of individuals across the world are simple homeless as a result of diverse & complex reasons, sometimes too complex to explain. Some of these reasons are natural disasters, family breakdowns, old age, unforeseen economic occurrences, stranded travellers etc helping people without homes through the provision of: Transit Hostels Rehabilitation Centres Rents and Renovations Cheap and Quality Accommodation EDUCATION: Educating the Uneducated Scholarships Vocational Institutes / Skill Acquisition Centres Library Back to school packs (exercise books etc.) Developing a reading culture campaign 5. HEALTH: Supporting the sick, Protecting/Promoting Healthy Living Boreholes Medical Outreaches Awareness Campaigns Counselling Centres Medical bill funding Hygiene / Essential packs at special seasons Physically Challenged etc. 6. ENTREPRENEURING: - Empowering the Poor Trainings, Seminars and Workshops Micro-Financing and Funding Entrepreneurial School Wealth creation empowerment broadcast 7. INVESTMENTS: - Doing Business to Raise Funds for the Foundation Raising Partners Investing Funds Establish Business