Course curriculum

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    Master Your Mind

    • 01 - 3 Strategies to Get the Monkey Mind Under Control
    • 02 - 3 Ways to Train Your Brain for Limitless Abundance
    • 03 - 4 Techniques to Remove Limiting Beliefs for Personal Success
    • 04 - 5 Creative Strategies to Expand Your Mental Awareness
    • 05 - 5 Habits That Will Help You to Master Your Mind
    • 06 - 7 Traits of Personal Mastery Demonstrated by Business Leaders
    • 07 - How to Use Both the Law of Attraction and Shadow Work for Personal Mastery
    • 08 - The 3 Best Ways to Investigate the Subconscious Mind
    • 09 - The 3 Differences Between Emotional intelligence and Mental Strength
    • 10 - The 5 Things You Never Knew About Your Own Psychology

Master Your Mind Video Course

Over the last few days I've sent you a lot of information about how you can start to reprogram your mind for the better. There's just one thing left… Like the old saying says: Every journey begins with a single step. But you've gotta take that step! Don't put things off. Putting things off is called “procrastination” and it can ruin your life. It's often called “the thief of time” - and for a good reason, too. If you keep putting things off until the time is “right”, you'll never get started. Why? Because there's never a “right” time to do anything! You can always think of some lame excuse: The economy’s not right, or when I get back from vacation, or … The list of excuses is as long as you want to make it. But if you start now, you'll be a mind master before you know it and have a huge advantage over 90% of the population – who either don't know about the techniques we've discussed (like the “5 Whys”, mindfulness, and the Law of Attraction), or simply can't be bothered to do anything. You now have powerful knowledge. Use it to master your mind and make your life better. In this short e-course I've only been able to scratch the surface of this fascinating subject. There's a whole bunch of stuff I simply haven't had time to tell you about: [chapter heading of your choice here] and [chapter heading of your choice here] for example. I go into much more detail in my mind mastery guide. I've still got a few copies left, but they're going fast. Grab your copy right nowand become the master of your mind today.
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