Course curriculum

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    Mind Reset Full Video Course

    • 01 - 3 Self-Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Achieving Success
    • 02 - 3 Things That Are Training Your Confidence
    • 03 - 3 Tricks to Instantly Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Thoughts
    • 04 - 5 Mantras That Will Boost Your Self Esteem
    • 05 - 5 Morning Mindset Rituals to Help You Win the Day
    • 06 - How to Condition Your Mind to Attract Anything You Want
    • 07 - How to Develop a Gratitude Attitude
    • 08 - How to Feel Positive Every Day With 3 Simple Tricks
    • 09 - How to Let Go of Pattern Thinking
    • 10 - How to Use the Power of Journaling to Clear the Mind

Mind Reset

Full Video Course

Knowing what you want out of life is only a small first step towards actually getting it. Now you have to start making things happen and this is where most people go wrong. Not because they go about things the wrong way (though this happens) but because they don’t go about it at all. The big problem for many of us is that we’re seemingly waiting for something to happen. We’re happy to just go along with our current lifestyles which are “good enough” rather than aim for something bigger and better. Sometimes this comes down to fear. Sometimes this comes down to thinking they have no other option. Sometimes it comes down to believing that waiting is legitimately the best strategy for getting what they want. The ultimate example of this is retirement. How many people do you think live their lives cautiously because they’re saving for retirement? How many people put off going on vacation and travelling the world because they think it’s better to wait for that pay off? I don't want to sound morbid here, but a lot of folks never live long enough to get their pensions. I hope you're not one of of them, but even if you live long enough, many people retire in poor health and can't do much but sit at home and watch TV all day anyhow. Is that what you want? Action makes things happen, and the best time to take action is always NOW. You CAN do it; you just have to make a start. Make that day today. In this short e-course I've only been able to scratch the surface of this fascinating subject. There's a whole bunch of stuff I simply haven't had time to tell you about. I go into much more detail in my guide to resetting your mind. I've still got a few copies left, but they're going fast. Grab your copy right now from [link to sales page] and press your inner “reset” button today. To your success!