Course curriculum

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    • 01 - 3 Steps To Disconnect From The Digital World And Enhance Your Life.mp4
    • 02 - 5 Signs That the Digital World Is Controlling Your Life
    • 03 - 5 Signs That You Are Ready to Break Up With Your Phone
    • 04 - 5 Things You Can Do to Be More Present
    • 05 - How to Break Up With Social Media and Reconnect With Your Life
    • 06 - How to Develop a Healthy Relationship With Your Device
    • 07 - The Science Behind Your Device and Instant Gratification
    • 08 - The Secret Ingredient to Improve Your Attention
    • 09 - Top 3 Ways to Change Your Relationship With Social Media
    • 10 - Top 3 Ways to Disconnect and Improve Your Sleep

Unplug Video Course

With all you've been reading over the last few days, you may be thinking that unplugging from the digital world could be a bit daunting. I understand completely. Oftentimes it's compared to quitting smoking or ending a bad relationship. Weening yourself off your tech addiction can take time. The best approach is to ditch one app or gadget at a time and not to get disheartened. After all, your reliance on tech didn't happen overnight, so don't try and go “cold turkey” to get out of this situation. Just unplug one thing at a time. Wow, we've covered quite a lot of ground over the past few days. Let's just recap… We covered ways to get some “downtime” from your phone. Discussed why you should de-clutter your phone, why you should access social media from a PC or laptop. We delved into mindfulness meditation as a way to reconnect with reality. I explained why I love to browse in bookstores and why real friends beat the virtual kind hands down. But you know what? Within the confines of this short e-course, I've only been able to scratch the surface of this fascinating subject. There's a whole bunch of stuff I just haven't had time to tell you about. I go into these (and more) in detail in my guide to unplugging from the digital world. I've still got a few copies left, but they're going fast. Grab your copy RIGHT NOW from [link to sales page] and start reconnecting with reality today. To your success!